Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fulfilling a Promise

Some months back, I created a blog post in which I mentioned having a lover. His name is Randy, and I am very much in love with him.

As it turns out, he was not happy with the context in which he was mentioned in that previous post -- among other things. After we discussed the matter and I understood his point of view, I wrote a poem entitled, "What I Forgot to Say." After I shared it with Randy, I made him a promise to include that poem in the next post I did about he and I.

This is that post, and dear, sweet, magical Randy, these words and this poem are for you:

What I Forgot to Say

is how lucky I am
to have you in my life--
how infinitely, unreservedly

What I forgot to say
is how deeply connected I feel
as I touch your hand, your face
gaze into your blue-green-hazel
and amazing eyes.

What I forgot to say
is Thank You.
I am so grateful
for your caring heart,
for the trust you've dredged
from forgotten depths, dusted off
and gifted me without condition.

What I forgot to say
is I Love You,
and though it's always there,
between and laced within
each line I write, I need
to say it aloud now, speak
write breathe and feel it,
engrave it on the air,
emboss it on my heart.

What I forgot to say
encompasses, no doubt,
many things.

What I will always remember
is how much you mean to me,
even if it is what I forget
to say.

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