There were probably ten of us. We sang songs, chanted chants, shook rattles, and shared our hopes, prayers, and dreams. Our shamanic guide, Rahelio, explained that the sweat lodge represents the Mother's womb, and that after exiting the lodge, we would be spiritually reborn.
I feel as though I've been physically reborn as well. I never knew my body could endure such intense heat. Today it makes the Sedona weather seem cool in comparison!
On Wednesday I took a mystical tour with Rahelio as guide. He led three of us deep into the Coconino forest, where we swam in a gorgeous red rock-flanked pool.
After cooling off from the intense heat of the day, we lay on Indian blankets and he played flute and drummed over each of us. In between beats of the drum, he lead us on a short visualization where we entered a cave and received a gift. My gift was a large branch from a cherry tree, heavily laden with fruit.
Getting back to yesterday, I wrote a poem about Sedona after telling a friend that I didn't think I was going to write one. I went to lunch and started with dessert: a slice of amazing scrumptiousness called live spice pie. If you visit Sedona, I highly recommend ChocolaTree, a raw foods restaurant that is truly out of this world!
Eating the pie and contemplating the sweat lodge to come gave me the first line of my poem, "I sing of sweat lodges and live spice pie." The rest just flowed out, like. . .well, like magic. I haven't completed a poem I really liked in a while, and I could feel the creativity flowing through me, which felt a bit like coming out of a very long sleep. If you would like to read the entire poem, please visit
Here are some more photos from my Sedona sojourn. Thanks for reading my blog, and may you have a magical day!

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