You can see my very favorite as my main blog picture, a photo of me that a passing park visitor was kind enough to take. I love it so much, I've also made it into my Facebook profile photo!
I'm writing this post from the lobby of the Grand Canyon Inn, which closes around 10 pm. Got to make this short as a result.
Well, now I'm writing from a bench outside the lobby, in view of the Flintstone Campground across the street and a very dark Arizona night sky beyond. Not quite 10, but they decided to close a little early. At least I can still get a connection out here!
Okay, blogspot is seriously pissing me off right now. It won't let me upload anymore photos for this post, and it's inserted a tiny "insert image" icon at the end of the first paragraph. I am majorly annoyed. I figured out how to get rid of the icon. Let's see if it will allow me to add another photo now.
Nope. Dang it. Well, I guess you all will need to content yourselves with the two I was able to add. I'll get more up soon.
Kind of quiet and creepy sitting here all alone near Highway 64 in the dark. A police car just zoomed past with its lights flashing, but no siren. Weird. Maybe the officer is just trying to get home faster.
Anyway, time for me to get back to my room. Believe it or not, there's a chill in the air. And I'm wearing shorts.
Thanks for reading, and have a grand week!
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