Right now I'm sitting on the veranda at Kalani Retreat Center in Puna, on Kapolo-Kalapani Road, on what I'm told is the rainy side of the big island. Since it has rained every day I've been here, even if only briefly, I am a believer.
I can hear the sound of ocean, which is right across the street. I can also hear at least a dozen varieties of birds making music in the trees, and a strange music it is to my mainlander ears. I can see nothing beyond the tree trunk posts that hold up the veranda roof, except a lighted doorway off to my left. If I stare hard into the thick, living darkness I can just make out the slender ghost of a coconut palm's trunk.
Did I mention how beautiful it is here? I am settling in, enjoying myself immensely. Today I rented a car, an absolute necessity if I want to see more of the Big Island, including the volcanoes! Eeek! The thought makes me shiver in my shoes and quiver with delight at the same time. Here's a photo for you. Signs like these appear along Kapolo-Kalapani Road:

The others I've seen read "Appreciation" and "Self-Love." I may start a trend for this when I return to California. I feel uplifted each time I see these signs.
Another lovely thing about being here: the garden where we're staying. Oh, the garden! Two varieties and three flavors of peppers--Thai yellow and red, and Hawaiian red; fresh basil; fresh lemongrass; and curry leaves. All of these smell and taste divine. I made brown rice yesterday, flavored with a broth I made from all of the above, plus salt and filtered water. I also added fresh chopped basil, ghee, and ume plum vinegar. Oh, my Goddess! I was in culinary heaven! Here's a photo I especially like of the Hawaiian peppers:

Have I mentioned the kitty who has adopted me? I've dubbed her "Puna Puss," and she follows me hither and yon. Her meow is so deep she sounds like a bullfrog, and she's painfully skinny. Today I introduced her to the delights of sliced, roasted turkey, and she ate like a starving creature. My prayer is that she find someone to care for her after I'm gone. She always seems to be in the garden of the house where we're staying, and comes out to greet me each time I return. Everywhere I go, I seem to get adopted by a kitty. When I traveled to Mount Shasta two years ago, a snow white kitty moved into my little cabin with me, and I named him Shasta. I wrote a song about Mount Shasta, and he appears in the first stanza. Perhaps I shall write a song for Puna Puss as well. I feel the muse stirring within, but perhaps my first creation will be a poem for Pele. Here's a picture of Puna Puss:

Oh, and lest I forget, there are also the warm pools. I believe I talked about them in my last post. They are most magical. I had a thought to go tonight, but I'm on my own and a little afraid of the palpable jungle darkness. My friend traveled today to the other side of the island, and I elected to stay on this side. I did have him drop me off in Hilo, so I could rent the car I mentioned earlier. Then he drove off on his merry way and I went to get my toenails done. I love the color: Thank you very muchness red. Thank you very muchness, indeed. And on that note, I bid you good night, and sweet tropical dreams.
~Love and Blessings,
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