Saturday, December 26, 2009

Staying in the Moment

I'm writing this while sitting at a long, gorgeous chocolately brown dining table in York, Maine, watching snow fall on the field and trees outside. There are 18 people here, including three children and two teenagers. There are five dogs about at any given time. Eight of us are at the table right now. The conversation is lively and loud. At this moment inflatable snow sleds are being filled with air and we are gearing ourselves up for fresh powder sledding.

One of the little girls -- the youngest, affectionately known as Maddy -- dropped something breakable on the floor, which did not break. She's wearing her Christmas gifts of glittery pink princess shoes and hot pink socks decorated with figures of black moose. I can tell she's going to be a fasion diva when she grows up!

Probably time for me to put on a heavier pair of pants, since I plan to participate in the sledding! I'll take my camera out and share photos later. Assuming, that is, I remembered to pack the USB download cable. Eureka! I did! Cool.

Well, I'm going to sign off for now and blog at you again later. I'm running my laptop off the battery, which is nearly done. I could plug it in and keep going, but sledding beckons! Here I go! Wheeeeeee!

Take care, and Happy Holidays. May blessedness follow wheresoever you go.